Monday, 14 January 2013


How did you attract/address your audience?

The film uses some codes and conventions expected of comedy as its setting being an alley way and the park makes it realistic and also making it easier for the audience to relate to. The use of this to inform the audience and make the characters world seem believable. The dialect used is also a typical code and conventions of comedy as most comedies use jokes and humorous language. The tone of the characters also reflects on the genre of the film. E.g. When Don Mo tells Don S to hurry up at the alley way. The dialect used by the characters mirrors the genre of the film which is done for the mere interest of the audience. The use of “bruv” and “moist” is to demonstrate this .

Non-diagetic sound used right at the beginning of the opening sequence is to grab the attention of the audience and seek them to watch out for what happens next. The music creates tension as the audience would not be expecting a classical music for such genre. The music used is parallel to the action caused on the screen as the opening sequence is MC Don coming out of his house and walking to the alley way. This match the action caused on the screen as nothing major or disruptive is happening during that time of period. The music used triggers the audience to suspect something negative happening in order to disturb the peaceful atmosphere created at the beginning of the opening sequence. This would keep the audience interested due to the music leading to a climax when the characters turn up the music.

The use of close up used when the character is turning the dial up is to excite the audience and to make them have a personal experience of what the characters are experiencing themselves. The mid-shot of the characters facial expression purely for humor which is a great interest of the audience which is based on the genre of the film. The dance scene in the alley way is used to entertain the audience and demonstrate to them the real personalities of the characters as their costume represent them in a negative way which seems as if they are bad for the society but the scene portray their innocence.

The themes explored in the movie are success and hope. The themes chosen will attract the audience as it educates the audience about morals of succeeding. E.g. MC Don not giving up on his dreams when he gets knocks down later on in the movie teaches the audience to believe in themselves. The movie “BROWN SUGAR” explores the theme of believing which is similar to the ones used in my film. It’s also similar as the artist in the movie goes through great difficulties on his way to fame but overcomes it by the end of the movie.

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