Monday, 14 January 2013


What kind of media Institution might distribute your media product and why?

Distribution of a film is when the company launches the film making people aware of the product. They require a legal way in which they can develop and make most of the film. The company then decides how many prints of the film to make after making a licensing agreement.
Independent film distributors that may consider distributing the film

* Axiom film
* Momentum Pictures
* Revolver Entertainment

As a distributor, Axiom directly exploits all rights in films acquired and is widely respected for its innovative and bespoke marketing that includes distinctive campaigns for films. Knowing that the entire film project that the company has been involved in has been both a “critical and commercial success, frequently winning awards and sold for distribution in most key markets” I believe that with their excellent distribution Axiom films is the company that would bring success to the film and make it known worldwide.

Momentum Pictures being “one of the leading independent motion picture distributors in the UK and Ireland” that releases approximately 20 theatrical films a year, it’s likely to distribute my film because of its high level releases and it’s constant accomplishments as in February 2011 it won 8 BAFTA awards which is more than any other UK distributor. It releases includes:

1. Red Hill
2. Limitless
3. The Crazies

Revolver Entertainment is one of the leading independents and a multi-award winning, marketing-led, all rights film distributor in the UK. The company is likely to distribute the film as they are “experts in youth entertainment and exploiting both physical and digital home entertainment distribution channels.”

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