Saturday, 12 January 2013


How does your opening sequence represent particular social group?

The characters of the film:
MC Don
Don Mo
A Dot
Don S

The characters of the film have dreams of becoming big in the music industry and being well known all over the world. However Don Mo seems to be more aware of the difficulties which they would face in order to become world known artists. The costume used in the film by the characters is to portray their lifestyle and also their attitude towards fame. Most the characters wearing hoodies reveal to the audience the typical attitudes of teenage boys. They are teenage boys who have dropped out of school.

Based on our research on teenagers from The Independent News   we decided that the group  would represent teenage boys and also delinquent teens.  The gestures and dialect used by the characters adds to the realism of the film. Unlike “Kidulthood” where the characters deal with serious issues surrounding teenagers,
 this film takes on the lighter side of teenagers which reflects on the genre of the film. E.g. the use of body language and facial expression used in the movie adds to the humor which is expected of the film.The actors had to wear jeans, trainers and hoodies in order to achieve the typical appearance of teenagers and their love of Hip hop.         

. The cast had to change the way they walk and how they normally talk to accomplish the attitudes of the characters. However (Don Mo) was to be the serious one who seems to be aware of reality. 

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